Interview with Anne Loes Nillesen: Build bridge between design and practice

2023-07-12 Daniëlle Lens

Interview with Anne Loes Nillesen: Build bridge between design and practice

Our Founding Director Anne Loes Nillesen and Tess Broekmans were interviewed on their new appointment as Urban Design professor at TU Delft.

“TU Delft plays a crucial role in tackling major societal challenges. We need good designers for that.” As the new appointed Urban Design professors, Anne Loes Nillesen and Tess Broekmans will bring valuable insights to the academic world and vice versa with their practical experience.

“We face major, societal challenges and changes that require long-term strategies that can in time adapt,” says Anne Loes Nillesen. And Tess Broekmans states: “Urban design is a slow process. A design must be able to respond to changes.”

Read the full interview here.

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