Vlaams-Nederlandse DeltaSpatial long-term exploration of the future of the ports in the Flemish-Dutch Delta
Spatial Strategy 2050 SneekAn integral strategy for a future proof, climate adaptive, circular and green city
Climate Adaptive SchiedamA climate adaptation strategy regarding spatial characteristics of the neighborhoods
Atlas Power Stations South-HollandA spatial exploration of power stations in the province of South-Holland
Climate Strategy KatendrechtA resillience strategy for Rotterdams unembanked area Katendrecht for 2050
Mekong Agriculture StrategyAgricultural transformation plan addressing climate change and increasing salinity
Multifunctional WaterstoragePeak water storages combined with urban and rural development in Central Holland
Sea Level Rise 2100Exploring spatial impacts of sea level rise for the ‘Kennisprogramma zeespiegelstijging’
Nature-based Solutions KigaliNature-based solutions to reduce flood risk and strengthen resilience in the City of Kigali
Bangladesh Deltaplan 2100National strategy for flood risk management, climate adaptation and development
Mekong Delta Regional PlanRegional strategy for 2050(MDIRP), integrating agriculture, climate adaptation, urbanization
Freight Transport CorridorsA strategy for mobility and logistics along the Rotterdam-Duisburg Corridor
Landscape Park ZuidvleugelWaterways as a backbone for linear regional parks in the Province of South-Holland
Marine ClusterSpatial exploration of scenario’s for Maritime Cluster in the Province of South Holland
Model Hydraulic EngineeringDigital model that explains the history and flood risk system of the Rijnmond area