Lecture by Anne Loes Nillesen about ‘Designing Flood- proof urban regions at Future cities laboratory, ETH- Singapore on 15th August

2018-08-13 Daniëlle Lens

Lecture by Anne Loes Nillesen about ‘Designing Flood- proof urban regions at Future cities laboratory, ETH- Singapore on 15th August

The Future cities Laboratory, a programme of the Singapore- ETH center is organisang a Lunch talk on 15th August. Anne Loes Nillesen will be giving a lecture about ‘Designing flood proof urban regions’. She will show a multi-disciplinary ‘research by design’ approach, in which water serves as a guiding design principle for resilient urban regions. She will show ex­am­ples of the ap­pli­ca­tion of this ap­proach for the Dutch Delta Pro­gramme, the Bangladesh Delta Plan and the Hous­ton Galve­ston bay area. As a re­sult of the dif­fer­ent phys­i­cal, eco­nomic and po­lit­i­cal con­texts, the ap­proach in dif­fer­ent re­gions leads to com­pletely dif­fer­ent de­sign strate­gies.

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