Next steps to implement the Umbrella Investment Programme (UIP) for the restoration of Dhaka Rivers

The Government of Bangladesh with The World Bank‘s technical assistance, is preparing for next steps to implement the Umbrella Investment Programme (UIP) for the restoration of Dhaka Rivers. Defacto worked together with Royal HaskoningDHV, Delta Context B.V. and DevConsultants Limited (DevCon), to support the government in the preparation of this ground breaking programme.

The UIP fosters collaboration between sectors and across government agencies, prioritizing projects and investments which will enable Dhaka’s sustainable and climate resilient urban transformation. A “hotspots implementation model” will help to showcase and scale-up the impact of innovative solutions in key locations, with Gazipur being the first to benefit.

The UIP’s success, achieved through an integrated strategic programme management approach, can serve as a model for future multi-sector collaborations in Bangladesh and other delta cities worldwide.


Afwegingskader klimaatadaptieve gebouwde omgeving openbaar

Waar kun je op basis van het water- en bodemsysteem goed bouwen? Op welke plekken moet je rekening houden met condities vanuit slappe bodems en overstromingsrisico? Het afwegingskader geeft inzicht in de condities en eventuele uitdagingen van beoogde ontwikkellocaties. Daarmee geeft het handvatten voor hoe te ontwikkelen en geeft het kader inzicht in waar water en Bodem echt sturend kan worden.

Wij vanuit HKV lijn in water, Defacto Urbanism en TAUW Nederland hebben het opstellen van het afwegingskader in samenwerking met en in opdracht van de ministeries van Rijkswaterstaat – Ministerie van IenW en BZK begeleid. Het proces is gevoed door een heleboel deskundigheid uit het hele land. Een zeer nuttige bijdrage aan de versnelling op klimaatbestendig bouwen. En een heel mooi project!

Bekijk de kaarten op:


Second workshop ‘Water as Leverage Nakuru for a Resilient Sponge City’

We are excited to present an update on the ‘Water as Leverage Nakuru for a Resilient Sponge City’ programme.

The second local workshop was arranged on March 26 in collaboration with the County administration of Nakuru and our strategic local partner, VEI Dutch Water Operators. This workshop was a follow-up to the first event that took place in Nakuru in January of this year; and aimed to present and discuss the draft findings of the “Setting the Scene WaL Nakuru for a resilient sponge city”.

The workshop session was formally launched by the facilitator, Mr. Anthony Mwangi, who also acknowledged the attendance of the city manager, Mr. Gitau Thabanja, and the managing director of Nakuru Water and Sanitation Services, Mr. Eng. Gachanthi.

With curiosity and enthusiasm, the stakeholders took part in the plenary talks and interactive working sessions facilitated by Rebel East Africa and Defacto Urbanism. About forty people from the public and private sector, academia, and non-governmental organizations worked to retrofit the identification of Nakuru’s hot-spots and exchanged information about financial incentives and governance involvement in these areas.

Important meetings were also organized with the City Manager, the County, and National Government, and relevant chief representatives in the sectors of water, sanitation, civil engagement, and disaster risks, to discuss the next steps of the WaL Nakuru programme.

Since WaL fosters and aims for an inclusive process, visits to the local communities of the Hotspots were also organized with productive conversations and obtained additional necessary information. A final Setting the Scene report will be produced after processing and presenting all of these inputs.
More to come!

Atlas Groene Hart

De wateratlas ‘Water en Bodem sturend in het Groene Hart’ is vrijgegeven. Dit rapport is opgesteld met de Rijksoverheid, de vijf waterschappen en drie provincies in het Groene Hart. Het geeft een totaaloverzicht van bestaande kennis over de veenoxidatie, de waterkwaliteit, de zoetwaterbeschikbaarheid, wateroverlast en woningbouw in kernen in het Groene Hart.

Dit rapport ondersteund het vorm te geven ‘water en bodem sturend´en levert input aan het Ontwikkelperspectief Groene Hart en de uit te werken gebiedsopgaven in landelijk en bebouwd gebied.

Lees hier het rapport.

Bewonersavonden Spoorzone-Veemarktterrein Sneek

Twee drukbezochte en inspirerende bewonersavonden in Sneek deze week! In het kader van de ruimtelijke strategie voor Sneek werken wij samen met de Gemeente Súdwest-Fryslân aan een gebiedsuitwerking voor de Spoorzone-Veemarktterrein. Tijdens deze avonden presenteerde Anne Loes Nillesen de belangrijkste opgaven en uitgangspunten voor het gebied. Bewoners deelden waardevolle inzichten over hun ervaringen met het gebied en hun visie op de toekomst.


Anne Loes Nillesen is new member of NWP’s Advisory Board

Anne Loes Nillesen is now member of NWP (Netherlands Water Partnership)‘s Advisory Board. As a member of NWP’s Advisory Board, Nillesen represents the group of spatial planners and architects and in an interview she elaborates on the developments and opportunities within the international water domain. “Every area has a unique water system”, she tells NWP. “In our projects, the water and soil system conditions function as the guiding principles in each area. We strive to create quality urban areas, with enough space for urban green, which is sufficiently climate adaptive. We strategise on where to develop ports and cities and where to give space to nature.’’


Membership Netherlands Water Partnership

We are happy to welcome Defacto Urbanism as a new member of the valued NWP member network.

Defacto Urbanism and landscape design connects urban and landscape design with contemporary challenges such as climate change, circularity, green cities, and water management. They combine technical principles and research output with strong and inspiring urban and landscape designs and visualisations. Their services range from strategic development and research to public space design for many national and international governmental bodies and NGOs.

Anne Loes Nillesen, Founding Director of Defacto Urbanism: ‘Through membership of the Netherlands Water Partnership, we want to strengthen and extend our partnerships for urban climate adaptation projects and strategies’.
There are many good reasons to become an NWP member.

Would you like to know more about the benefits of joining our network? Reach out to us:

Podcast ‘de fijne stad’

In de podcastserie ‘de fijne stad’ van Marnix Kluiters is Anne Loes te gast in een gesprek over klimaatverandering en het belang van het toepassen van water en bodem sturend principes, juist ook in stedelijke gebieden. De podcast is onderdeel van een serie waarin verschillende uitdagingen en concepten voor duurzame, inclusieve en gezonde steden aan bod komen. Beluister de podcast hier:

New project on Digital Twins for Urban Resilience

New project on Digital Twins for Urban Resilience has received a significant grant of €1.16 million from the Merian Fund. This collaborative grant provides the opportunity to work in partnership with esteemed academic institutions: Technical University Delft, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras and Eindhoven University of Technology, as well as with industry leaders such as Arup Defacto Urbanism, Blanco-ad ( ), Bentley Systems, Okapi Research and Advisory Pvt Ltd a, and Care Earth Trust.

The project, named “𝑹𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒕-𝑯𝒚𝒅𝒓𝒐-𝑻𝒘𝒊𝒏: 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒊𝒑𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚 𝑰𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒈𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝑫𝒊𝒈𝒊𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝑻𝒘𝒊𝒏 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝑨𝒅𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝑼𝒓𝒃𝒂𝒏 𝑹𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝑾𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑬𝒙𝒕𝒓𝒆𝒎𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒆𝒔,” combines the strengths of two diverse areas of expertise. On one hand, we have the expertise in digital twin development, complexity modelling, and the resilience of socio-technical systems from TU Delft and TU/e. On the other hand, we collaborate with IITM from India known for their skills in water resource management, hydrologic, and hydrodynamic modelling. The significance of our project lies in tackling the shortcomings in flood management, which frequently result in property damage, loss of life, and disruption to communities. The ResilientHydroTwin project investigates the potential and effectiveness of using a digital twin for managing water-related disasters. Our goal is to strengthen urban resilience by developing a city-level digital twin that accurately models system interactions and human behaviour. This digital twin framework will improve our understanding of the city’s interconnected systems, especially during flood events. It will be instrumental in formulating both hard and soft adaptation strategies, functioning as a living laboratory during extreme weather conditions. We will also investigate how digital twins can foster collaborative governance in managing water extremes.

𝐉𝐨𝐢𝐧 𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐦! With this project underway, we’re thrilled to announce new team openings! We’re looking to hire 3 post-docs (2 at TU Delft and 1 at TU/e) and a PhD candidate (at TU Delft) in the upcoming months. If you’re an academic with a passion for digital twin technology in urban resilience, we’d love to hear from you. The first post-doc position will begin in June. For more details and to apply, please check out our advertisement here (

Themaworkshop Deltaprogramma tijdens DIES-week

Een van de focuspunten van Anne Loes Nillesen Loes op de Delft University of Technology is het verder brengen van ontwerpend onderzoek, en studenten kennis laten maken met de methoden die de afgelopen jaren in de praktijk zijn ontwikkeld. Tijdens de DIES-week vond een themaworkshop Deltaprogramma plaats, waarbij ze alvast een hele serie verschillende ontwerpmethoden heeft gepresenteerd.

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