Media attention, Project news 29 Mar 2022 ‘Projectenkaart Maas’ publishedAlong the Meuse river (de rivier de Maas) there are many projects for flood risk management, fresh water availability, shipping,… Mona Zum Felde
Project news 22 Mar 2022 ‘Cooling Rotterdam’ completedHeat is one of Rotterdam’s urgent climate challenges. The ‘urban heat island effect’ is increasing, especially in the centre and… Mona Zum Felde
Lectures 17 Mar 2022 Anne Loes Nillesen keynote speaker at Geo conferenceAnne Loes was one of the keynote speakers at the 25th Geo Promotion conference, with the theme 'How to sustain… Mona Zum Felde
Project news 16 Mar 2022 ‘Sustainable Logistics’ completedIn the Netherlands rapidly growing distribution sector and e-commerce ‘boxes’ are a very prominent aspect of the new trade landscape.… Mona Zum Felde